This product is developed for mature Atlantic Sturgeon using historic telemetry observations matched to date, bathymetry, and sea surface temperature and ocean color from NPP-VIIRS satellite. There are five regions (Delaware River, Upper Delaware Bay, Middle Delaware Bay, Lower Delaware Bay, and Atlantic Ocean) and each of them is divided into 5 meter depth bins.
Contact:, and University of Delaware 700 Pilottown Road Lewes, DE 19958, or Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife 3002 Bayside Drive Dover, DE 19901
From left to right, these maps display the Categorical Risk of Encounter, Continuous Probabiity of Occurrence, Gapfilled Sea Surface Temperature, and Risk Climatology for the date selected. You can choose a forecast for probability and temperature, see tab 1 for Risk Forecasts.
Climatologies of Sea Surface Temperature, Atlantic Sturgeon Model Predictions, and Atlantic Sturgeon Risk Categories based on an average conditions for each calendar day from 2003-2017 MODIS-Aqua satellite data (15 years). Atlantic sturgeon model predictions greater than 0.01 should be treated as likely presence (Medium Risk) of Atlantic Sturgeon. Values greater that 0.05 are considered High Risk of Atlantic Sturgeon presence